"Courage & Confidence" | St Madeleine Sophie Barat
Founded in 1905 by the Sacred Heart Society

An apprenticeship is an opportunity to work and study at the same time. Most of your time is spent doing on-the-job training, and the rest is spent working towards a qualification. You’ll get paid a salary and be part of a team, just like a standard employee, but you’ll also get dedicated study time throughout the week.
The qualification you can achieve could vary from the equivalent to GCSEs, to a master’s degree depending on the level of apprenticeship you take. There are different types or levels of apprenticeships depending on where you are in the UK. Each level apprenticeship will have different entry requirements.
How do I apply for an apprenticeship?
Applying for an apprenticeship is just like applying for a normal job. Here’s what you need to know:
Apprenticeships don’t follow the same deadlines as applying to university, the deadline is down to the employer
You apply directly through the employer
You’re not restricted to one apprenticeship application; you can do as many as you like
T Levels are a qualification choice that follow GCSEs and give students a head start towards the career they want. They will suit students who wish to start working towards a skilled occupation, prefer a practical approach to learning and want a predominantly learning environment based course.
Drawing on features of the world’s best technical education systems, these 2-year courses have been designed in partnership with employers to ensure students gain the knowledge, skills and experience businesses need so they are ready to get good jobs when they qualify.
How do T Levels work?
With T Levels students will spend 80% of their time in the classroom and 20% on a minimum 9-week placement with an employer. This means they’ll learn what a real career is like whist you continuing to study.
T Levels and UCAS Points
A T Level is worth the same UCAS points as 3 A levels. You can use UCAS points to apply to university or another type of higher education. You can also use your T Level to do a related higher level apprenticeship or to get a job.