"Courage & Confidence" | St Madeleine Sophie Barat
Founded in 1905 by the Sacred Heart Society

Newcastle Careers Team support young people in Newcastle schools to make successful transitions into further education, employment and training.
Each school has a named Careers Adviser, from the team, who can offer support. The advisers are experienced and qualified to level 6 in Careers Information, Advice and Guidance. They will provide additional support to a small number of young people in school during year 11 but are available at the Skills Hub, and other community venues, throughout the year to offer advice and guidance, to any student from year 11 upwards, who is unsure about their next steps.
The Newcastle Careers team website has a range of downloadable information on different routes and opportunities and can be found at www.newcastlecareers.org.uk
Young people and parents can contact the team to ask for advice or request an appointment by calling 0191 277 1944 or emailing careersteam@newcastle.gov.uk Alternatively, there is a drop-in service at the Skills Hub in Newcastle Central Library Tuesday to Thursday 10am - 5pm.