"Courage & Confidence" | St Madeleine Sophie Barat
Founded in 1905 by the Sacred Heart Society

Second in Dept: Mrs J Caisley-Britton & Mrs C Mason (Goals Coordinator)
Teaching Staff: Mr J Kerr, Mr P Mulhearn, Mr J Arnold, Mr A Brooks, Mrs C Shand
Year 7
MODULE 1: New Beginnings - from the branch of Creation & Covenant
MODULE 2: God's Word - from the branch of Prophecy & Promise
MODULE 3: Jesus - from the branch of Galilee to Jerusalem
MODULE 4: Sacraments - from the branch of Desert to Garden
MODULE 5: The Holy Spirit - from the branch of To the Ends of the Earth
MODULE 6: Christianity - from the branch of Dialogue & Encounter
Year 8
MODULE 1: Good & Evil - from the branch of Creation & Covenant
MODULE 2: Messengers of God - from the branch of Prophecy & Promise
MODULE 3: God’s Kingdom - from the branch of Galilee to Jerusalem
MODULE 4: The Meaning of Suffering - from the branch of Desert to Garden
MODULE 5: Life after Death - from the branch of To the Ends of the Earth
MODULE 6: Islam - from the branch of Dialogue & Encounter
Year 9
9.1 Believing in God - Does God exist?
9.2 Relationships and Society – What is it like living in the UK today?
9.3 Life After Death - Is there a life after death?
9.4 Beliefs in Judaism - What do Jewish people believe?
9.5 Practices in Judaism - How do Jewish people practice their faith?
9.6 Sources of Wisdom and Authority - Which texts and scholars have influenced our world?
All students are entered for Edquas ROUTE B. All exams will be taken in the Summer Term of Year 11.
Component 1: Foundational Catholic Theology
Written examination: 1 hour 30 minutes (37.5% of qualification)
Candidates will study the following two themes:
Theme 1: Origins and Meaning
Theme 2: Good and Evil
Component 2: Applied Catholic Theology
Written examination: 1 hour 30 minutes (37.5% of qualification)
Candidates will study the following two themes:
Theme 1: Life and Death
Theme 2: Sin and Forgiveness
Component 3: Study of a World Faith (Judaism)
Written examination: 1 hour (25% of qualification)
Candidates will study the beliefs, teachings and practices of Judaism.
A-Level – AQA Religious Studies
This qualification is linear. Linear means that students will sit all their exams at the end of the course.
There are two assessed components. Students must take assessments in both Component 1 and Component 2 in the same exam series.
Subject content:
Component 1: Philosophy of religion and ethics
Section A: Philosophy of religion
• Arguments for the existence of God
• Evil and suffering
• Religious experience
• Religious language
• Miracles
• Self and life after death
Section B: Ethics and religion
• Ethical theories
• Issues of human life and death
• Issues of animal life and death
• Introduction to meta ethics
• Free will and moral responsibility
• Conscience
• Bentham and Kant
Component 2: Study of religion and dialogues
Section A: Study of Christianity
• Sources of wisdom and authority
• God/gods/ultimate reality
• Self, death and the afterlife
• Good conduct and key moral principles
• Expression of religious identity
• Religion, gender and sexuality
• Religion and science
• Religion and secularisation
• Religion and religious pluralism
Section B: Dialogues
• The dialogue between philosophy of religion
• The dialogue between ethical studies and religion
How religion is influenced by, and has an influence on philosophy of religion and ethical studies in relation to the issues studied.