"Courage & Confidence" | St Madeleine Sophie Barat
Founded in 1905 by the Sacred Heart Society

St Madeleine Sophie Barat, the foundress of the Sacred Heart Schools in 1800, said that she would have founded the Society of the Sacred Heart 'for the sake of one child' and in many ways, this simple statement is still relevant in our school today. We see each and every girl as a unique individual with talents and gifts we must nurture and develop in the years she spends as part of our community.
Alongside valuing spiritual growth, we are also rightly proud of our examination results which are continually excellent and place us in the top 3% of similar schools in the country for GCSE. At A level, a third of grades achieved are A*/A or its BTEC equivalent of Distinction and Distinction*, enabling our girls to progress onto some of the best University courses and apprenticeships in the country.
We enjoy good relationships between home and school, setting the highest standards of behaviour and work ethic with strong parental support. By working together, we will ensure the best outcomes for all students. We have a team of dedicated pastoral staff who become familiar with every single girl in their care, understanding their needs and ensuring every effort is made to support their development both academically and pastorally.
Inspirational and aspirational teachers will encourage your daughter to work hard and achieve her full potential. Our ‘all girl’ environment enables our students to aim high and reach their full potential as we seek to develop the whole child. We provide a wide range of extra-curricular activities for students to experience. Our specialism in Performing Arts means students can access fabulous facilities for Music, Dance and Drama. We actively encourage girls to foster a love of Science and offer excellent STEM opportunities for all, especially those who see their pathway in life leading to a career in this field. We also provide access to many sporting activities and have our girls participate in trips to places such as Kenya, Iceland and Morocco, often to support charitable causes.
A great education has the power to transform lives, and this precious gift is one you can be confident that our hard working and talented staff will strive to give your daughter every day and in every lesson. As with the remarkable women who spoke often of ‘Courage and Confidence’ and came together in the 1800s to establish the Society of Sacred Heart Schools, we share the desire to educate and prepare young women to take their place in the world with purpose, enthusiasm and strength of character.
Mrs S Howell

Mrs S Howell
Sacred Heart Catholic High School really is a special place. Our visitors comment on the feeling they get when they walk through our corridors and meet our students, we are different, as everything we do is driven by the five goals of a Sacred Heart education:
FAITH - a personal and active faith in God
INTELLECT – a deep respect for intellectual values
SOCIAL AWARENESS - an awareness which impels to action
COMMUNITY - building community on Christian values
PERSONAL GROWTH - in an atmosphere of wise freedom