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180 Hours of Service - Cor Unum

This year our Sacred Heart Goal is Community. This goal of "Cor Unum" is celebrated across the world in Sacred Heart Schools.

All of us have been given special gifts and talents by God. They aren't just for us to keep to ourselves. God wants us to use them to help others in a unique way.

We are aiming as a school to complete as many hours of communal service as possible.

We will do this by each form group, from January-December, to complete at least 180 hours of service.

Each month, form groups totals will be recorded, alongside that for individual students. We really want to celebrate those students and forms who are living out the spirit of Cor Unum and act with an open heart.

Think about ways you could be acting with an open heart. Talk to your form and tutor. Some ideas for engaging with the service could be:

  • Writing to the elderly

  • Litter picks

  • Paired reading

  • Chores at home

  • Sponsored walks

  • Fundraising events

  • School clubs

  • Voluntary services

  • Cadets, DoE, Lifeguard

  • Wellbeing Ambassador

  • Park / Beach clean- up

  • Raising awareness of global issues (i.e. poverty)

  • Sports captain

  • Buddy system in school

  • Helping others with homework

  • Donating to charity shops

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