We are excited to be running various campaigns this year to reach out those in need this Advent. Students from all year groups, along with their families, neighbours and friends are invited to donate whatever they can.
We are hoping to donate to NIDAS (Newcastle Integrated Domestic Abuse Service), West End Refugee Service and Newcastle Food Bank.
We have a collection for single food items, a collection for Kindness Packs with numerous items put together, a collection for hygiene items and sanitary wear and a collection for blank Christmas cards (with the option to make some too) to give to the homeless who like to have the option of sending a loved one a Christmas card. We are so grateful for all the donations so far!
The word “Advent” comes from the Latin word adventus, meaning “coming.”
In this case, it refers to the coming birth of Jesus Christ at Christmas and the return of Christ during the second coming. It begins on the Sunday closest to St Andrew’s Day, this year it is Sunday December 3rd.
In the Catholic Church, the Advent season reminds us about the importance of Christ in our lives, prepares us to celebrate Christ’s birth at Christmas, and refers to his second coming at a future time. Catholics consider all three comings when they celebrate Advent.
Traditionally, Catholics will focus more on prayer and an element of fasting through the period. Priests will wear purple vestments during this time, and it is traditional to have an Advent wreath as well.