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Duck Day - Enterprise Fun for Y8

On Duck Day, Year 8 students at our school plunged into the exhilarating and educational world of running a Duck Factory. The mission? To produce and sell paper ducks while mastering the chaos of managing finances, production, and sales. This quacky adventure was crafted to teach our students valuable business and teamwork skills in a fun and feather-brained environment.

Divided into teams, the students became duck tycoons for the day. They juggled financial challenges like paying wages, buying materials, and covering utilities. This required some serious (and hilarious) budgeting and planning. It turns out, balancing a budget and running a factory isn’t all it’s quacked up to be!

But the real test of their skills came when they had to sell their paper ducks for top dollar. Armed with their best sales pitches and wackiest quips, they faced off against our teachers, who moonlighted as hard-nosed buyers. Convincing these tough customers was no easy feat. It was a flurry of fun, persuasion, and outright duck-termination!

The day was an absolute quack-up. The students threw themselves into the task with gusto, showing off their ability to work together even when the feathers were flying. They displayed creativity and teamwork that would make any mother duck proud.

Feedback from the students was positively egg-citing! They loved every minute, from the frantic flapping of production to the high-stakes haggling of sales. The teachers were equally impressed by the students' ingenuity and resilience. By the end of the day, it was unanimous: Duck Day was a splash-tastic success!

Duck Day wasn’t just a lesson in business; it was a full-on feathered frenzy that left everyone with a smile. The students waddled away with a sense of accomplishment, a few new skills, and plenty of stories to quack about for years to come.

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