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Goal of Personal Growth

As we draw closer to the end of this final term, we are encouraging students to think about how they have lived out the Goal of Personal Growth this academic year.   

We have had over 300 students nominated over the last year for Goals Postcard Awards. 

At Sacred Heart we have five goals, which articulate the core components of a Sacred Heart education and charge our community with a unified mission.   


The goals are intellect, faith, personal growth, community, and social awareness and were established as a set of five principles that all students aspire to abide by.  At the heart of our Ethos is the belief that each student possesses unique gifts and talents that can empower them to make a positive difference in the world. We congratulate all students who have lived out the Goals this year and celebrate their achievements! 

Next academic year we will be celebrating 50 years of the Sacred Heart Goals and look forward to celebrating our students’ achievements further. 

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