Our school is represented by many different cultures, and we wanted to celebrate this diversity in our community as the school year was coming to a close.
Wednesday 17th July marked the first KS3/4 Culture Day in the main school, following the huge success of the Sixth Form Culture Day back in February.
The School Council worked hard in the weeks following up to this by collating information from pupils, creating playlists, advertising the event and signing up to perform themselves!
The turn out was incredible; there were hundreds of pupils involved, in traditional dress and performing choreographed dances to showcase and celebrate their cultures, alongside the many pupils queueing up to be part of the audience. In the outside market, there were pupils taking part in traditional crafts, piping decorative henna on mirrors, and creating flag bracelets, guided by our wonderful volunteers.
After such a successful inaugural event, we are all looking forward to building on this next year, making it even bigger and better! Thanks to all of the staff and students who took part, and attended, to make this event the success it was.