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Primary Textiles Visit

Updated: Mar 31, 2023

Pupils from Year 6 at Sacred Heart Primary School had an exciting time on their second visit to our Textiles & Art department to take part in a textile's practical workshops. The focus of the visit was to introduce creative careers-related learning looking at the role of the designer and exploring experimentation in creating textiles techniques for a bag design.

Through experimenting in using effective colour, texture and pattern, pupils explored a broad range of textiles techniques including, applique, stencil printing, creative hand embroidery and transfer printing, to develop skills and understanding of how to respond to a concept board. Pupils reflected on their ideas for a bag design and developed / tested textiles techniques , using the concept board as a source of inspiration.

By embedding career-related learning into the primary curriculum pupils are presented with the opportunity to enhance their aspirations as they begin to learn more about their own abilities and talents and nurture creative thinking to develop skills essential for them to become future designers.

The primary pupils were supported by Sixth Form students from our school to help them realise their ideas.

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