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Goal of Community - Reverse Advent Calendar

Our Sacred Heart Goal this year is Community. We want to focus this Advent on helping those in our local community struggling.

We are asking students and staff to donate any of the following items to pass to the West End Foodbank to help those in our community this advent.

Items could include:

  • Long-life milk

  • UHT fruit juice

  • Cereals

  • Pasta/Curry sauces

  • Tinned tomatoes

  • Tinned vegetables

  • Soups

  • Tinned rice pudding/custard

  • Tea bags/instant coffee

  • Rice/pasta

  • Tinned meat

  • Tinned fish

  • Tinned fruit

  • Jam

  • Biscuits or snack bars

  • Toiletries (like deodorant, toothpaste, soap, sanitary wear)

Please bring any items into school from Monday 5th December and place in the Main Foyer drop off point.

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