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Am I A Carer?

Young Carers

Anxiety Assembly Oct 2022

Wellbeing & Mental Health

Anxiety Resource for Parents - EBSNA

Wellbeing & Mental Health

Barnardo's Independence Project

Wellbeing & Mental Health

Domestic Abuse Support in Newcastle

Domestic Abuse & Operation Encompass

Foreword by Dame Rachel de Souza DBE

Sexual Harassment / Child on Child Abuse

Free Online Safety Virtual Workshops

Online Safety

Full Guide for Parents

Sexual Harassment / Child on Child Abuse

Have a conversation about life online

Online Safety

Helping children stay safe on chat apps

Online Safety

KOOTH: Parent & Carers Info

Wellbeing & Mental Health

KOOTH: Student Activity Brochure

Wellbeing & Mental Health

KOOTH: Student Sign Up Guide

Wellbeing & Mental Health

Letter from Northumbria Police

Online Safety

Mental Health Assembly

Wellbeing & Mental Health

Mental Health Online Support

Wellbeing & Mental Health

Mental Health Support in Newcastle

Wellbeing & Mental Health

Newcastle Carers Site

Young Carers

Operation Encompass Letter

Domestic Abuse & Operation Encompass

Parental Support Helpline

Wellbeing & Mental Health

Prevent Newcastle & Referral


Protected Characteristics

Protected Characteristics

Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment / Child on Child Abuse

Sources of Support Poster

Online Safety


Wellbeing & Mental Health

Streetwise Drop-In Centre

Drugs, Alcohol & Sexual Health

Streetwise Referall

Wellbeing & Mental Health

Support Mental Health

Wellbeing & Mental Health

Support for Domestic Abuse

Domestic Abuse & Operation Encompass

Website Safety Cards

Online Safety

Wellbeing & Mental Health During COVID

Wellbeing & Mental Health

Wellbeing Hub

Wellbeing & Mental Health

Who Are Young Carers?

Young Carers


Browse through the documents & links below which provide information on a range of safeguarding topics. You can also filter by category using the tags below (multiple selections can be made):

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