"Courage & Confidence" | St Madeleine Sophie Barat
Founded in 1905 by the Sacred Heart Society

Our Catholic feeder primary schools are listed alphabetically below:
English Martyrs Catholic Primary School
Our Lady & St Anne's Catholic Primary School
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School
St Bede's Catholic Primary School
St Charles' Catholic Primary School
St Cuthbert's Catholic Primary School (Kenton)
St Cuthbert's Catholic Primary School (Walbottle)
St George's Catholic Primary School
St John Vianney Catholic Primary School
St Joseph's Catholic Primary School
St Mark's Catholic Primary School
St Michael's Catholic Primary School
St Oswald's Catholic Primary School
There are a wide range of other primary schools across Newcastle and beyond, from which girls are admitted into Sacred Heart. Please check our admissions criteria, give us a call or come to speak to us during our open evening for more details. We encourage applications from girls outside of Catholic education.
Our specialist status as a Performing Arts school allows us to accept 10% of our annual intake into Year 7, based on ability in Performing Arts. For more details about applying to Sacred Heart on this basis, please contact us.
Transition activities with our feeder primaries starts as early as Year 3. We have subject specialist days in Performing Arts, Computer Science and Languages & Food. We also run transition days for all incoming Year 7 students in the penultimate week of the Summer term.
These subject specialist days are open to all primary feeder schools and include:
Performing Arts (Year 3)
Computer Science (Year 4)
Languages & Food (Year 5)
We hold two days in July for the Year 6 who have a confirmed place to start at Sacred Heart the following September. The dates for these transition days are organised alongside the other two Catholic secondary schools in Newcastle, so that all Year 6 pupils from all feeder schools attend together. These days focus on getting to know each other, finding your way around school, and getting to know school routines. We also hold some CAT testing sessions to enable us to gather some information about each student and their ability. We use this information alongside results from Year 6 SATs.
Please see the Newcastle Padlet for resources to support children with special educational needs: Transition Support (padlet.com)
Summer school takes place in the first week of the Summer holidays, and it solely aimed at the new Year 7 intake that year. This gives girls a unique experience in getting to know each other, staff and the school buildings, in a calm, relaxed and fun environment.
Activities include Music, Dance, Swimming, Computer Science and Art to name a few. The Summer School is highly recommended for girls coming to join us in September, but places are limited and fill quickly. You will receive an application form in the post with your admissions pack.